Development and Theming

How We Did It -- Iberia Parish CVB

Find out how we designed a bespoke solution for the Iberia Parish Convention & Visitors Bureau.
Ryan P. LeTulle

Drupal Development Best Practices & Building Sites on Pantheon

Are you interested in how to use Pantheon to its fullest? Embrace the version control, including git branching using Pantheon's Multidev technology.
Matt Cheney

Development tools we use at 3Coasts

I'm going to go through the development tools and practices we use at 3Coasts when working on Drupal websites. Topics include: - using grunt for precompiling sass - using grunt and php to ru
Brian Berlin

Your themeing style is strong, but have you tried tiger style?

The session will review themeing techniques and tools, focussing on both available software and plugins and also techniques used when themeing a large site and or project.
Tobias Williams