Building and controlling your Android/iOS Apps with Drupal

Robyn Green
4:10 - 5 pm
Launch Pad 1st Floor
Responsive is king, but sometimes more is needed - like an official App Store or Android App - to reach the entire mobile market. In this session we'll walk through not only creating an iOS App using Appgyver Steroids, but we'll also emphasize how to plug Drupal into the App so any content edits or layout changes are reflected not only on your web site, but on the app as well. One content management system to rule them all! This session is aimed at both site developers and content maintainers, covering both code demonstrations and best practices/examples of pushing content from Drupal to an App.
About the Presenter: 
Robyn Green is a senior Drupal developer at Mediacurrent. While spending most of his time with Drupal, he also builds iOS Apps, Symfony 2 applications and AngularJS sites.